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Memorial Day Announcements ..

Just a few announcements today…

1) Greenwich Republicans are planning to march in the Old Greenwich Memorial Day Parade, and have arranged a picnic in Binney Park following the parade. Please join them to march in the parade (which starts at 10am), or volunteer to help man the table in Binney Park, beginning at 9:45am. Donations for the picnic are welcome!

2) Dr. Michael Goldstein is looking for volunteers this weekend to help him obtain signatures so he can get on the ballot to run against Rep. Jim Himes. We will be at the three Memorial Day parades in Greenwich with clipboards, so be on the lookout! He’s also looking for a volunteer specifically in Fairfield, which will be compensated. Please reply to this email or send an email to to help. Thank you!

3) Completely off topic… but for those of you who like to read as much as we do, we wanted to share this very cool tool called Bionic Reading… read the plain passage and the bionic reading passage, and you should immediately notice a difference. What a great way to save time and expand your knowledge!




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