Having only been exposed to a brief promotion by Jim Caviezel "The Sound Of Freedom" appeared at first glance to be a documentary (at least that was the impression I was left with only to discover it was a thriller/drama based on the true story and child & human trafficking experiences of Tim Ballard an employee of DHS (Department of Homeland Security).
Most of the characters depicted in the film were real life characters and some components of the story were embellished or fictionalized albeit minimally for dramatic purposes of the story telling but nearly all the situations and encounters of characters according to Operation Underground Rescue were all based on real people and real situations.
It perhaps might be safe to say that most of the public is unaware of, or have had only a cursory exposure to what child and human trafficking is. Mention "Jefferey Epstein" or "Epstein Island" which is among the most prolific and popular name associated with pedophilia and human trafficking and many people will know what you are talking about. Suffice to say this movie seemed to be driven to bring a rather visceral and emotional component to the phenomenon that according many seems to be purposefully overlooked.
Real life video footage of child abductions was incorporated into the film to drive home the point that it is a real problem and it does happen more often than is perhaps reported.
The protagonist in this movie Tim Ballard (Played by Jim Caviezel) was exceptionally well done. His character explored some of the lengths at which Ballard had to go to achieve his goal of recovering a young brother and sister from their captors. Caviezels character was believable right down to becoming a participant in the pedophile underground.
The movie also did very well with reaching the human heart inviting the audience to really do some deep soul searching and introspection. This was accomplished with what can only be described as some extraordinary young child actors whose work in the film was simply stellar.
The film took it's time to reveal the theme but after the first 12 or so minutes you were invested. While there was some high points they were short lived as the film seemed to be intent on keeping it's audience sober.
I don't believe I heard one word of profanity spoken throughout the entire film and there was little to no violence although there were scenes where violence was implied. The director of this movie seemed to want the audience to think more than expose us to the actual horror of what happens. What happens to the children is implied so well in this movie there was never an need to expose the audience to a scene that depicted or acted it out. This was in my opinion a much more effective approach at driving the message home.
The movie addressed many human themes, deviance, perversity, evil, redemption, salvation, protecting the defenseless, faith and resolution.
The cinematography was also exceptional and the over all pallet of the film was lots of yellows and browns and earth tones.
It's definitely worth a watch.