The National Pulse recently reported on investigative research showing that the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) has bought the assistance of highly placed business owners, government officials and media personalities through the services of “think tanks” in Washington, D.C. In any other day, this would constitute being a traitor on the order of Tokyo Rose from World War II. Today, these people are just offering another point of view, however false.
In particular, the CCP’s Cyberspace Administration of China claimed these connections during 2020. The National Pulse pointed, in particular, to a group called the Berggruen Institute. They were considered founding members of the Transition Integrity Project (aka, engineering the election fraud in 2020).
The CCP’s efforts to recruit notable figures in the West dates back to at least 2017 from a report the National Pulse team found where they identified specific individuals including, but not limited to: Fareed Zakaria of CNN, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Helle Thorning-Schmidt of Facebook, and a Trump hating philanthropist, Pierre Omidyar as Chinese assets. In addition, Dr.Peter Navarro, Ph. D., former trade representative for President Trump indicated that there are at least 20 members of Biden’s cabinet who are compromised by ties to the CCP.
A measure of how well thought out CCP’s propaganda effort is can be found by their coordinated planning of both buying advertising in leading papers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, and getting these figures to take actions or positions which favor the CCP.
Raheem Kassam noted they are still looking for any evidence of money having been given to these individuals by the CCP. There are many indirect methods, so final proof will be hard to come by. Such evidence would be particularly damning, so one would expect the CCP to be very careful.
The CCP’s main rag is China Daily. While they have done placement ads In American papers, the ability to work different channels of communication at the same time, suggest an effective media strategy. The inclusion of these “personalities” as assets only feeds their perception of America as a “tributary state”.
This passage from the National Pulse article makes their point clear.
“At the time of publican, Zakaria’s latest column is entitled: The Pentagon is using China as an excuse for huge new budgets. Wherein the CNN host lauds China’s “ambitious” Belt and Road Initiatie and insists the U.S. need not worry about China’s rise as a military power.”
The group which China “owns best” is academia. Science magazine reported on one study where it was found that about 1,100 scientists around the world were moonlighting for the Chinese government. This has been part of a larger set of issues where universities in America have “failed” to disclose billions in money given to them by the Chinese government. An NIH probe led to the immediate firing of 54 researchers doing illegal things.
The Democrats Like Being Owned by China.
China Joe and his son Hunter are already known to have received huge sums of money from the CCP. The finding by the National Pulse adds yet others possibly to that list. The findings by Dr. Navarro put to another group. The investigations into financial ties between the CCP and American universities is yet another. This is such a long list. That there are yet other problems to consider is certainly apparent. There are questions about the role and impact of the Confucius Institutes, as well as the 10,000 Talents program to lure western scientists to set up shop in China.
Yet the democrats say nothing. It does not bother them. You have to conclude the Democrats like being owned by China. This is a problem affecting our national security, especially in times of conflict. The Democrats have to be pressured into greater efforts to decouple from a country that is building towards war with America.